
Through the Eyes of a Clairvoyant

I am giving a Clairvoyant Reading to a new Client in about 10 minutes so I take the time to make sure the room is in order.

When a person requests a reading it is normally because they are feeling confused or vulnerable in some way, so the more I can do to set the scene and make them feel welcome and comfortable, the better the session will be. The more a Client is able to relax the easier it is for me to connect to them, the smoother the work flows and the more benefit they will gain overall.

The room is small, decorated in calming pastel colours. There is nothing harsh, just an offering of uncluttered space as well as comfort and freshness. Some very quiet, gentle music is playing in the background. This always soothes nerves and emotion. This is a room to be safe in and feel non-pressured.

I spend my last few minutes, before the Client arrives, sitting in my chair, emptying my mind, calming my body and relaxing into a state of total openness and trust. I say a prayer of intent that I will receive the best information and understanding for what this Client truly needs, that I receive it clearly and smoothly (I choose to enjoy my work to the full), and that I express myself in a way that the Client can best receive. I make the firm decision that Truth will guide every moment of the session (as I do for every Reading) and then I simply 'let go' and wait.

From the moment I prepare myself to receive the Client, I start to get impressions about them and my attitude begins to lift and become what that person most needs it to be in order to get the best out of their session.

This 'lifting' time always makes me smile. I love observing the changes in myself and understanding so much about the Client in the process.

Sometimes I find myself becoming definite and logical and my mind sharpens. I know then that the Client is no fool and needs straight talking. I also know to set my own boundaries firmly so the strength of their character cannot influence the pure information that comes through. People are not above trying to twist the messages to suit themselves at times and I will not allow this. This is also why I make sure I record every session for them.

Sometimes as I open up I will feel my heart melt and become gentle and I know I have a fragile Soul on the way, who will need nurturing and encouragement. I also know at those times to keep a sense of detachment so I can teach them to be strong for themselves rather than risk them becoming dependent on me or the Reading in any way. Working so closely with the emotions and feelings of others is a sensitive thing and must be handled with great care and foresight.

This time, however, for the Client who is due to arrive at any moment, I just feel their sense of calm and openness. I sense she has a very simplistic approach to life generally, which is receptive to whatever is going to happen, and and she is open to listening and learning.

I like this Client's attitude already. I see a blank page in my minds eye and I feel excitement. I know my Client is starting a brand new phase in her life and that she is open to every possibility. She is excited to get started, yet scared in case she makes the wrong choices. She is coming along today for reassurance and guidance to take the first step toward her bright new future. And it will be a bright future. I can sense that already, even before she arrives. My own excitement builds and I can't wait to find out what will happen in her life, to see what pictures of truth and guidance I will be shown, what feelings, people, places, joys, lessons that are to come for her. For now though, until the doorbell rings, I am left in anticipation, the pause button on.

I know to remain calm and patient, that soon enough the rollercoaster of information will begin and the session will seem to fly past - be over before I know it. That is always the way. It is like stepping into a higher level of existence and communication - a faster place and sometimes it is all I can do to keep up with the information that arrives.

The doorbell rings. I will open the door now and greet my guest, invite her through, give her a small explanation as to what she can expect, switch on the recorder and begin. I will sense, see, feel, hear and know things about her and her life. It will all have relevance to her truest choices and it will all support her finding her own way forward, her own courage and confidence. It will enable her to leave today feeling good and positive about herself and her future. She will have all the tools she needs to make true decisions and she will understand how much her own positive thoughts and actions will support the creation of her ideal future.

The session ends and a happy Client leaves. I sit down again. Working on those high levels is fantastic but it uses a lot of energy and I need to be calm for a few minutes to catch my breath and connect myself back to present day reality. It normally takes a few minutes to do this. I simply relax my mind and allow the same source that provided the information to bring healing and energy around me, to put me back together again ready to get on with the rest of my day. I use this time to make sure I have fully let go of the session, sending the Client on her way with a prayer of well wishes.

Ok, a good job done. Now it is time to get on with my plans for whatever it is I need to do next. It is time to be normal again, to roll up my sleeves and just get on with living. Smile. Energy returned. And so it is. Simple really!

Angel Power