A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from the Angel of True Desires

As the Angel approaches 'he' takes a sweeping bow. Dressed in a long flowing blue robe, he seems very angelic in appearance, yet there is something unique about him. He is large - tall and obviously fit. Short hair, sparkly blue eyes. The bow was quite theatrical. I watch, aware that I am being made to notice these things for a reason. He smiles and looks straight at me and speaks.

Indeed all these things - my sense of presence and my appearance, are all relevant to true desires. True desires have to start with who you truly desire to be. And if those desires really are true ones then your desires will exactly match God's own will for who you are most 'meant' and 'destined' to be.

Desires are simply guides toward truth - although in their infant form they can be impulses and reactions which cause all sorts of life diversions rather than clarity. Desires, felt through until the point of peace, acceptance and understanding hold quite a different and unique quality. They hold the quality of confident knowing and self-acceptance - of 'rightness' that makes all things simply fall into place. Following unripe desires (those that are misinterpreted, misunderstood, or planted in your mind by others) can take you off course and lead you a very merry dance. Following desires that have been given time to mature and develop, which have the support of a clear and understanding mind, can be the truest, most uplifting things imaginable.

So how do you tell the difference between a true desire and a false one. True desires hold intensity and passion, a sense of absolute definiteness that no one can talk you out of, that nothing can sway you from. Yet at the same time, they hold a great sense of peace and space - of calm clarity and knowing that all will turn out for good. There is no impulsiveness, anger, ego or impatience held within true desires - none at all and if any of these lesser emotions are present it is always best to wait until they have calmed and reformed themselves into something more pleasant and productive.

And what of your own personal desires. How do you find out and decide first of all who you truly desire to be? Look around. Detachedly watch life. Little snippets will reach out and touch you, inspire you, colour you, lift you, move you positively. All these are clues - individual pieces to your own jigsaw of self. What character traits do you admire, what look and appearance hold the real 'yes!' factor for you? What expressions of yourself irritate you? You notice those things, not to judge others or to put them on a pedestal, but as triggers to learn more about yourself. Things that irritate you are elements that you choose not to have in your own self-expression and things you admire are elements within your own self that need to be nurtured. Of course, those traits will look slightly different in you, as you, like everyone else are wholly unique - a beautiful 'one off' model. This is why I showed you my appearance - I was showing you my own uniqueness and choice of self-expression - the one that feels most right to me (and seems most right to you).

So list things you like and have liked, things that come to mind instantly that repel - and begin to see and understand what picture forms. Do this with personality elements, appearance, clothes, style, and then once that is clear move on to life, lifestyle, work, jobs, ways of relating, there really is no limit. Life will echo back your answers loudly to you - from the moment you begin you need only look right in front of you to find all your answers - every minute of the day you will learn more and more. Let it inspire determination in you to walk a new way, live a new way, be a new self and to love every minute of it. You cannot help but love every minute of self when you are being true to you. So much better than talking yourself into an image that other people want, demand and expect of you. So much better, happier, truer and right. Herein lies your whole world. Two lists. One page, two sides to the page. Get writing. Do it now, right now and time will lead the way.


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