a gentle scene with pastel colours of books and dragonflies, coffee and a lantern hanging from a branch


Let's Do Some Amazing Work Together!

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* All Sessions Recorded and Sent By Email *

"I have never felt so safe, nurtured, supported and seen..." S.M.

  • Clairvoyant Tarot Reading/ Coaching
  • Intuitive Life Guidance
    Clairvoyant Healing
    Chakra Scan/Align
    Purpose Overview
    Work with Guides & Angels

    Skype/Absent Recorded

  • One Question
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  • Clairvoyance & Deep Core Healing
  • Everything from the Reading
    Specialist Energy-Work
    Trauma Release
    Root Cause Discovery
    Soul Re-Empowerment/Align
    Clear blocks and Manifest
    Personal Intuitive Development

    Skype/Absent Recorded

  • One Question/Issue
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  • Full Mentoring Programme
  • Everything from the Reading
    Everything from Energy-Healing
    Past Life Therapy
    Entity Removal
    Root Cause Healing
    Akashic Records
    Soul Retrieval
    Space/House Clearing
    All Dimensions Included
  • Personal Questionnaire Email Feedback
    & Interim Support
  • Skype/Absent-Recorded
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* Email Jane with any questions

a table, a lamp and crystals next to a pot of tea, an ipad and tarot cards used by Jane Longstaff, clairvoyant reader


Click for More/Less Information

Jane was born into a family where two, very different sets of intuitive skills, met. She has dedicated her life to furthering and learning ever more about these talents. Pure clairvoyance, light-work and crystal ball reading came from her Father's family whereas the psychic, nature-healing and fortune telling came from her Mother's family line. Balancing all this has not always been easy but it is a fascinating pathway and a purpose in which she finds constant delight and passion.

Connecting with Divine and Infinite Intelligence (and nothing less). The reason Jane's work is so rare and exceptional is because she always reaches to the spheres of the purest love and light and allows herself to be shown whatever a client needs. She sees and works with the soul, guides and angels belonging to each client, allowing herself to be clearly guided in every moment. Add to that, a lifetime of practice, you really get the best of what is available.

Clairvoyance:This is a motivational, empowering session that helps you gain clarity and guidance in all life areas. You know what you want but not how to get it. You are blocked and frustrated. Light healing is included as is connection with your team of angels and lightworkers. Beautiful.Regular monthly coaching is also available.

Healing Energy-Work:A session of allowing infinite intelligence and your angels to move in, heal you, shift your life and give you guidance. When you are struggling, holding trauma and repeating patterns and you have had enough. Your soul and your angels do the work and Jane facilitates the bridging of freedom and change. You also get life-clairvoyance in this session. Regular weekly mini-healing sessions are also available for consistent support.

Main Mentoring Sessions:This is for deeper more persistent trauma, inclucing entity/entanglement removal, past-life wounding and chronic, repetitive issues. When you are merely existing, or are so exhausted you don't know who you are or how to function. When you need help and total freedom from overwhelm and unfair, unmanageable struggles. Enough is enough. This is where infinite intelligence steps in, lifts you, brings you back to your core self and supports you all the way back to health and true thriving. It is specialist and beautiful work.

Aligning to the spheres of Love and Light brings a oneness of connection... Your soul is your unique inner divine light and it holds your divine personality, optimum health and the truth of your purpose in this lifetime. Your angels and guides know you. They know what you came into the world to achieve and they know your greatest potential, joy and most ideal life. Space is made to invite your soul, your angels, your life connection to guide every process in the most effective and lasting way possible. You will be seen, heard, respected, truly guided and healed.

Your life-path represents the ideal worldly experience that suits you to perfection. Your purpose is the energy and vibrant fascination that runs through your veins and lights up your mind. Your destiny is that which you came into this world to experience. Get all these circuits working in the way they were divinely intended, and wow, life gets good. It is my intention that every session offered helps you to get as close as you are ready and able to get, to your own heaven-on-earth experience. Often the most heavenly experiences turn out to be the most worldly, lived in simplicity and grace...

If I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to reach out. It will be a pleasure to meet you and to work with you.


Absent-recorded is where Jane simply tunes-in, records and sends your session (this is just as effective). Skype or Messenger will be live 1:1 and, on ordering, you will be given access to Jane's international bookings calendar.

Jane will contact you with updates and to finalise appointments. On ordering, you have the option to ask any questions or to comment on issues you are going through. Whilst not essential, doing this does help to get straight to the heart of the matter; allowing more specific and detailed content.

The recording of your session is sent as a link within an email. You can listen immediately on any device, or download as an audio mp3 file (to a computer only). No-one else can access your session unless you decide to share your link. Jane endeavours to get your recording to you as soon as possible.

This is where Jane shares her fascination for simple living and everything 'otherworldly'. You will find articles, memories, client stories, everyday living, personal realisations, and so much more.

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