A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree


Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Press the pink button that you are drawn to today & enjoy! - It really is that simple.

"Whichever menu option, above, that you choose to click on - you will get a random reading aligned with just what you need to hear right now. The Universe is magical. Trust. Play. Enjoy." Jane x

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Maybe Take a Moment, before pressing your chosen button for today, to reach up in prayer - asking for truth and clarity, and for the courage to really hear and understand what is best for yourself at this moment - and why... Trust what you receive.

These pages have been purely channelled by Jane with the positive and prayerful intent that you receive exactly what you need right now in order to find Perspective, Healing, Guidance and Support. The Oracle Cards have also been uniquely created for this site, each with its own original interpretation attached.

Sometimes when we are confused or emotional, it is not always easy to reach inside ourselves to find clarity, guidance or answers. Using the random choice system, you are able to reach out to Life/God/the Universe, asking from the depth of your heart and soul for guidance and truth. This guidance is not always easy to hear, or to follow, but at the very least it plants a little seed of light and hope inside you, at best it helps you to stand tall once more and step forward into life with courage and conviction.

Choosing Angel Inspirations shows you are striving to gain a higher, greater and more whole perspective on your life or a life situation. Angels are always with us, helping us to believe in ourselves and to reach for the best we can be/live. These pages give the angels the ability to talk a little more directly to you. Please trust, the page that is most relevant to you is the page that will appear before you at this time. Unfortunately, it is often at the time we most need to listen to higher guidance that we are in too much turmoil to actually do so. As you let a page appear to you, feel the uplifting presence of Angels around you, consciously decide to let the healing begin and to allow your heart and mind to be lifted and made clear once more.

Being Drawn to the Oracle Cards shows you need slightly more 'here and now', 'down to earth' clarity about some situation or emotion. Trust yourself. You will know which is right at this time.

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