A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Oracle Card Wisdom

This card brings light to the negative side of our emotions, and these must be faced and conquered. There is no lesson in life which is too strong for us to learn nor any emotion which is too much for us to conquer. Our greatest step forward is to believe in our own strengths and capabilities and thus to overcome the hurdles in life which at first glance may appear insurmountable.

The type of emotion which we term as negative are jealousy, greed, lust, resentment, bitterness, anger, possessiveness and hatred - all of which achieve nothing but have the potential to destroy many beautiful and precious things in our lives.

The easiest way to overcome or to face these dark corners in our lives is to learn the art of detachment. Detachment from our own emotions first, so we stop feeling hard done by or sorry for ourselves. No amount of self-pity or regret will change a situation for the better. Only positive action brings true rewards. Next, we must learn to detach ourselves from certain unnecessary 'needs' in our lives. These can be either emotional or material needs. To do this all we need to do is to focus on gratitude and appreciation for the good and beautiful things already in our lives, i.e. love, happiness, sharing, contentment, friendship - life itself.

When we realise that we are fully responsible for our own lives, we will also learn about the uselessness of negativity. Positive emotions and thoughts attract the good things in life, whilst negative emotions create obstacles and barriers in our path and they also tie us to situations which are difficult to overcome. So decide to be positive now and to let go of the darker side of your nature. If you do, your life will change - and for the better. And, the quicker you make the changes inside yourself, the quicker new and exciting life opportunities will arrive.

Always look for the positive things in life. For every difficult happening, there is a positive lesson to be learnt and a positive strength to be gained, which in turn will enable you to attract new and more positive situations.
Sometimes we say hurtful things in the heat of the moment and afterwards through pride or lack of communication do not know how to mend bridges. Put aside pride and reach out in open honesty. Heal old wounds.
Jealousy and possessiveness could ruin a wonderful relationship. The situation must not be allowed to develop or worsen. Communicate insecurities honestly and determinedly work together toward united support and encouragement.
Sometimes we are called to give up gladly things that have seemed important to us in the past. Material aims never replace true love.
Envy and jealousy may be aimed toward you from work colleagues or friends. Remain calm and centred. Smile politely and ignore them. Retain your dignity at all times and this phase of confusion will pass quickly.
Sometimes we get so churned up by emotions that we neglect our health. Use your self control to take matters in hand.
Be professional in your attitude. Refrain from gossip. Choose friends with the same ideals in life as yourself.

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