A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Oracle Card Freedom

There are a variety of meanings for you here. Use your instinct to know which applies to you.

Someone developing a talent should be encouraged. Someone avoiding giving a straight answer should be pushed. Someone boasting a bit too much or becoming too self-centred should be brought back down to earth.

It is time to sit down and openly discuss matters as it seems something important needs to be clarified. Once this has been done you can experience a feeling of freedom and relief.

Also, with this card, comes the advice 'learn how to let your hair down, enjoy yourself and relax'. So try and stop being too serious. Life should be fun and a happy place to be and to grow. Worrying never changes anything; it just blocks new creativity and ideas.

A slight warning. Do not be tempted to exaggerate any situation or to tell any lies just now because they will catch up with you. Total honesty really is the only way now. You do not have to be blunt and hurtful to people's feelings, but be clear about what you mean.

Basically this is a time to approach life as if you have been given a clean slate and you can choose to be a kinder, wiser, more aware person and live your life from a new and truer perspective. You can release old resentments and live with a lighter heart and you can uplift emotions to the level of clarity and delight, and in so doing disperse all negativity. It is up to you, you simply need to decide and keep to that decision.

Modesty is needed. Over-confidence could trip you up. Take a back step, watch, wait and learn to believe in yourself fully. You will be pleasantly surprised at the realisations you make and the new perspective on life you achieve.
Someone needs a bit of ego boosting - so look around carefully, be observant and then reach out with your full support and love - and a listening ear. It will put them back on the right track.
Discussion, talking, openness and honesty in a relationship are necessary, healing and rewarding at this time. Also teasing may take the heaviness out of a problem.
Talk, talk, talk. Ask advice from anyone and everyone. You will get brilliant ideas from the most unexpected places.
Do not bite off more than you can chew. Be realistic about projects. Take care not to overspend. This is an awakening time which is more about reaching for meaning in your life than material success.
Slow down. Take time. Life is exactly as it is meant to be and what is yours will come to you in ideal time. So let go the worry and enjoy rather than waste a lot of time and energy allowing things to get out of hand through rushing.
Someone around you is boasting and exaggerating. Take things with a pinch of salt, especially from 'charmers'. Seeing is believing, so wait for more than just words and 'big claims' before you take steps toward commitment.

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