A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Natural Citrine Crystal


These are natural citrine Gemstones (not coloured or enhanced in any way). This means that the positive qualities are held at their optimum level within these Crystals.

Citrine is a stone that focuses on positivity, luck, sunshine, success, energy, joy, exhilaration, and anything else it can come up with which will uplift a person or their life in some way. It is a support and positive booster for any project, idea or decision.

If you need help retaining a positive attitude or focusing on success rather than failure, then this is your stone. Sometimes it is doubt and indecision that holds us back from achieving our dreams. Or a lack of self-worth and energy can scatter us to such an extent that we work hard and push forward but seem to get nowhere fast. Keeping our goals in sight, seeing them clearly in bright colours, believing in what will be, allowing exhilaration of thought and deed to flow are the qualities that begin to manifest dreams into reality, and this Crystal is an expert in every way in all of these areas. It is a great teacher of triumph over failure.

When you know what you want, Citrine will help you to feel the delight of belief blossoming inside you and it will help you to refine and focus your thoughts in the best direction to support your decisions. You will find yourself able to harness your thoughts, feelings and actions much more determinedly.

One thing to be noted, however, this Crystal works with and for Truth. It will not support false desires or empty dreams. It will not nurture idealism that has no foundation under it. What it will do is help you to get your head straight and to see practical truth, feel honest inspiration and to take considered steps in directions that resonate to your potential for joy and happiness.

A constant motivator, filled with faith and energy, this stone is an optimistic beacon of hope which shines a light when the road seems a bit rocky. It reminds you to never give up on your dreams.

May Angels guide every Crystal that finds its way to you. Amen.

You can receive the healing by simply reading the words on the page and using the truth held within them to help you and guide you forward in your life. As you focus on the picture, know too that you are absorbing all the healing you need at this time - right now. Angels do connect to you and guide you. Life does want what is best for you and this is simply one way of reaching out a helping hand of truth and love on a conscious and visible level.

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