About Affirmations
Affirmations are short, positive, present tense, phrases intended to replace old outdated or negative thought patterns with new positive energy. It is now widely known that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. Repeating an affirmation regularly either out loud or to yourself promotes a positive process of change. Writing an affirmation a number of times can also help to imprint it strongly within your conscious mind. Once you begin to feel the truth of an affirmation you can be sure that it has begun to take root and the results can only be positive and transformative both to you and within your life.
The affirmation that has chosen you today is:
'My physical wellbeing supports my sense of fulfillment and I now make my health a priority'
This affirmation is very powerful for any physical issue you are dealing with. It is a strong statement which will help you to stand taller in your own self worth and begin to realise that until you look after your own health first you will be constantly drained and have much less to give to those you love.
The words, repeated often, will begin to dissolve any issues of disease, struggle and low self esteem, as well as negative self talk. What will begin to take the place of all that is dissolved is a strong urge to hear your inner voice guiding you to make positive health changes and to believe that anything is possible if you just decide it is so. Clarity in your own judgements is also supported here.
Remember affirmations support rather than replace any other forms of treatment you are receiving.
May you choose optimum health for yourself from this day forward.
Jane xx