A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Angel Inspiration on Perspective

To see things with your nose on them, or through your emotions is not exactly helpful, especially when trying to gain clarity, make decisions or to move on from a situation that isn't working.

Of course you can do these things without perspective, but without the 'whole picture' clarity and understanding there will be a strong tendency for life to bring you back around again and repeat the lessons until you do gain clarity and thereby freedom. This is what learning and living are really about. Not just to make decisions but to understand why you are making them. Not just to move on, but to understand what you have learned and how you have grown from a situation. Also to realise what it is you really want to move on to, and why. Otherwise, you are just moving for moving sake - running away.

As an Angel of Perspective, I will give you any view on your life. I will link to your Soul so that I also give you personal truth and the most ideal guidance available right now. Are you ready for help? Are you ready to listen? Are you able to learn?

If you are existing in life rather than living - if you are struggling, then 'Life' could come around you and change the circumstances. But if your understanding and attitude remain the same then your struggle and low sense of self-worth would still exist.

As you heal your mind, your life changes for the better, and such changes (non-forced and earned) are the ones that last and make you feel whole and complete.

So understand, right now, it is you, your attitude, your perspective, that needs to change, dramatically and drastically and then your world and primary relationships can and will change to suit the new you.

May God and Love and Courage be with you at this time.


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