A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Angel Inspiration on Healing

If life has chosen this direction for you today then there is something in you and something in your life that needs, deserves and is ready to be healed.

You are not alone. Angels of Light, of Love and of Healing surround you at all times. They are never more than a thought or a breath away. Lift up your eyes and your heart. Raise up your head and open your heart and mind. Stand still and simply be ready to receive. Whatever comes, in whatever form, be ready to receive.

Receptivity happens in many ways. Being still and emptying your mind. Watching without judgment or expectation. Listening. Learning. Being aware. Asking questions and listening fully to the answers without resistance. Breathing in deeply. Relaxing. Meditating. Walking with an open and appreciative mind and just looking at and seeing what is around you.

Healing will come from many directions. What is right and best for you today will perhaps be different tomorrow. One day you will need words. One day gentleness and the aroma of flowers. One day a massage. Another day a sudden jolt of realisation. All that is asked of you is that you believe that life and Angels want you to be well and will send Healing your way at all times - will send the resolution of confusion and despair. But you must be able to see and hear and accept that which is given and so often those in human form put up walls and barriers that are impossible to get through.

Please just be still and receive. Listen and take time to hear. Look and take time to see. Breathe and take time to feel. Please realise that you do not have to earn the right to health and to energy. It is the right of every person on earth to claim this.


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