A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Angel Inspiration on Certainty

Certainty. A complete absence of doubt.

If you lack certainty then your energy is scattered or suppressed. Either you are too busy listening to too many opinions from others/outside sources, or you have suppressed your sense of self so that you no longer trust your inner voice of wisdom and truth.

Either way it is time for change, for Healing and for growth.

Step one. Pray with intention. Choose certainty and know angelic support will immediately surround you.

Step two. Completely let go and just get on with every day living.

Then when you least expect it, the energy of certainty will arrive, fill you, inspire you and you will know absolutely the right way to go/the right thing to do.

With certainty you can step forward boldly into life, declare 'Yourself' with confidence and shine with every project you aspire to. Certainty, as with confidence, is also a highly attractive energy and will draw positive people and good new opportunities toward you with ease.

Remember life wants your happiness and joy and Angels are here to guide you in that direction. Ask. Trust. Allow. Welcome with open arms.


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