A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from the Angel of Termination

Some element of your life needs to be changed and addressed right now.

You are required to look at your life and primary relationships with mental clarity and detachment.

An agreement/contract/relationship - something you are partnering at this time - needs major re-assessment. Your instincts will have been telling you this for a while and for some reason you have chosen not to listen or trust yourself in this matter. No more avoidance will help you - but looking, being honest with yourself and being willing to deal with things head on, will help you to regain your energy and your sense of personal identity and strength.

Angels will surround you and guide you into true understanding and realisation of what exactly needs changing, why it needs changing, and how to approach this.

This is an issue that entered your life in a beneficial and supportive way, but is no longer helpful and if left and ignored can become actively unhelpful to you. Being honest and clear with yourself and being willing to take the steps to put it right will empower you and also allow the Angels to draw really close.

Situations and people can only pull us down if we allow them to and allowing negative situations to continue through conscious avoidance or through false hope will block the Angels and Life from bringing in the good new things that are meant to replace all that is outmoded.

So be clear, be honest and be willing to take the steps to change. Know that you are guided and supported every step of the way and that only good will come of this situation. Help us to help you.


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