A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from the Life-Path Angel

Well! Hello.

Is it your life-path you are seeking then?

I wonder why it is that you want to know what your life-path is? What you think knowing this information will do for you?

Give you certainty perhaps? Or are you just vaguely curious?

Sometimes, you see, being given this information can become a great burden. It sometimes makes people feel pressured as if they have something to live up to or attain and makes them feel they have failed if they haven't 'achieved' or 'done enough'.

There isn't really any success or failure you know, just daily experience and growth and determination to become something more each day that you live, feel good in your own skin, set out each day with the best of intentions and just keep doing what you can - that sort of thing.

When you live with good intent and right attitude and affirm that daily, you will begin to see a pattern emerging within your life. A pattern of self. You will begin to discover who you are, what you like about yourself, and what you would like to uplift and transform into something more productive. This pattern of 'self' becomes your own unique identity - different from every other Soul on this planet. And then, as you settle into and accept - and understand - your uniqueness, you begin to see a unique pattern of life form around you - something that fits and suits only you. And, guess what, it will be a pattern that you love and adore and feel exhilarated by, because it is the true response from life to the true declaration of self, by you. And still more - that wonderful combination of you and life in total truth IS your Life-Path.

Now wasn't that easy. And easy it can surely be if you set about it in the right way. For me to simply tell you 'this or that' is your life-path and then for you to try and change yourself to live it, well that would be totally wrong, totally confusing and just not helpful at all.

Yours in Service, Truth and Guidance.


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