a crystal ball, angel wings, an overarching rainbow, tarot cards, a blue vase, flowers, books, and a blue cup of coffee


Worldwide * Live 1:1 or Recorded Absently & Sent by Email


Jane Longstaff, a clairvoyant tarot reader and energy healer with a turquoise background

Clairvoyant Seer

Clear blocks. Align with your destined life. Re-Ignite your purpose. Accurate guidance for health, prosperity & relationship success.

Energy Healer

As an energy-healer of the highest calibre, Jane helps you get to the root of an issue, gain clarity, and receive the purest of re-patterning.

Inherited Gift

Empowered by a lifetime of experience, Jane sees your angels, reads your aura, listens to your soul and frees you of entanglements.

Choose Your Session

Everything Recorded - Secure International Payments

  • Combined Reading & Deep Core Healing
  • Reading
    Intuitive Life Guidance
    Purpose Overview
    Work with Guides & Angels

    And Core-Energy-Healing
    Specialist Energy-Work
    Healing & Trauma Release
    Chakra & Root Cause Work
    Soul Retrieval/Align

    Skype/Absent Recorded

  • One Question/Issue

  • One Question
  • Back to top↑

  • Healing & Clairvoyant Mentoring with Jane
  • Everything from the Reading & Core-Healing
    Clear blocks and Manifest
    Personal Intuitive Development
    Root Cause Healing
    Akashic Records

    *Lower Prices for any Specialist Mentoring (When needed)
    Skype/Absent Recorded

  • Includes Questionnaire

  • 1 x 30 minutes/month

  • 2 x 30 minutes/month
  • Back to top↑

  • Deep Entanglement Removal & Soul Reboot
  • Everything from the Reading and Core-Healing

    And ONE of the following:
    Past Life Therapy
    Entity & Entanglement Removal
    Space/House Clearing
    Do some Specialist Mentoring with Jane using all of the above & more...

    Skype/Absent Recorded

  • 1 x 30 minutes/month

  • 2 x 30 minutes/month
  • Back to top↑

* Email Jane with any questions


Clients Responses... Click the blue arrows in the top corner to scroll through

flowers, dragonflies, washing hanging on a line, two books, one open. one closed and a cup of coffee near a pink quill pen
1. Reading

Dear Jane, Thank you so much for this wonderful session. It truly resonated with me on a deep level. I was so excited to listen to it when I got your email yesterday! I've been feeling the shift in my energy ever since. I'll reach out to you again soon as your guidance is really helping me on my path. Thank you again and have a lovely weekend. Much love,

2. Energy-healing/soul/angel

Wow!! Just...... wow! :) I knew there was something major happening in me, because I felt it hit me at a soul level. Your session has made me so excited about it all! So thank you so, so much :) I could feel an incredibly strong sense that I was being supported - I commented to my mum that "my angels are working overtime!" I had no idea just how many guides and lightworkers were rallying around me, and I feel so loved for it :) I could also feel a roar being unleashed in me, it was just peeking its way through and then started moving up to integrate itself with my personality. I initially thought it was a roar of anger, but it's not. It's much nicer than that. This session definitely weaves in perfectly with the last one where you described a cork being shoved in to a champagne bottle, but that cork being removed and the champagne eventually bubbling over. Well, this is exactly what is happening now! This is the ever-present congestion being removed. Thank you so much!

3. Entity-removal/soul reclamation

My dearest Jane, I trust that you are doing well. I'm writing to you in regards to my aunt for whom you did an energy session. I wanted to - first and foremost - let you know just how amazing her transformation has been..... and it's only the beginning so I can't wait to watch her pursue this journey, one step at a time... Your words fully resonated and they triggered her into action, as of the following day! It's truly been very moving for me to see her unveil her inner Truth with every passing day. It's been so long... and after everything she did, all the people she saw... she had lost hope. She's been regaining it thanks to you... So thank you, beautiful soul....for her, for her daughter... and those who love her.

4. Reading

Hi Jane, I always look back with gratitude for the work you done to guide me to a better future. I have 4 beautiful children now and a wonderful partner (2 from previous relationship) My youngest 2 are everything you described they would be in our sessions, they bring so much joy. And my partner is a wonderful father & step-father just as you predicted. Thank you to you and all the angels for the wonderful & blessed life.

5. Reading

Hi Jane, Thank you so much for your amazing healing and reading! It provided so much clarity - more than I could have hoped for. I have listened to it twice now, to make sure I picked up on everything. And yes, I will follow the advice :) I am so glad I got this reading before jumping in because I am much less likely to mess it up now. It's interesting you picked up details about my partner that I didn’t know about until I asked him. It has helped us open up and move through things that almost made us give up before. I have got a sense of positivity and joy and excitement about life that I have only ever glimpsed before. I am just so grateful to have been able to get this now for it to allow me to change my life course in such a major way! Thank you again for all your help. Love,

6. Entity Removal

Dear Jane, You've done it!!!! Hooray, hooray for you!!! You are amazing!!!!! I actually felt the shift happen. I feel wonderful and so relaxed. Even the usual ceaseless thoughts in my mind have stopped. Wow... I can't imagine how fabulous I will feel in 3 months time when the healing process is finished. What a Christmas present :-) You amaze me with your abilities and humble me with your willingness to help me. I hope and pray that the angels helped restore your energies after such a long and exhausting session. The concentration that you brought must have taken a lot out of you.... hard work indeed!!! It was an epic reading and a transformative one. Life will be very different for me in the future!! I can't wait!!! Thank you so very much Jane. May God bless you and honour you for the work you do! You have the power of angels and the heart of one. I thank God for bringing you into my life!! I walk on a very different path now thanks to you; you have lifted me up and restored me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Much love and endless gratitude,

7. Energy-healing/soul/angels

Dear Jane, You couldn't be more accurate! I do honestly feel as if the chains that have bound me up so tightly and contorted my whole self have been broken and are falling off me. Things are being righted and I am truly being helped and held. I look at old photos and don't recognise myself..."who is that person?! I am going to really enjoy this time of peace. Your help has been and is more crucial and special than I can tell you. Blessings must surely flow to you for your work helping lost souls like me. I couldn't have made it without you and the angels! A million thanks and hugs! Much love and gratitude,

8. Past-Life

Jane, thank you for writing to ask how I am getting on since our session together. It is amazing, I am still pain-free and I forget that I spent all those years with so much pain. I know I went from one doctor and therapist to another but it is as if the memory of the pain has gone as well as the physical. Like we forget about childbirth. The same sort of thing. I remember the moment you put one finger on my back and found the exact spot where the pain was. You could see where the energy was coming out of my back and being held within a past life. No wonder all the therapies didn’t work. An unexpected side effect of our time is that I am losing my fear of heights. I still cannot believe it all happened so easily. I only listened to the recording twice after our session. Thank you again. I wish you well.

9. Entity removal

I have definitely felt the changes from the entity removal. I feel so much lighter and brighter. My job is really busy and I find it quite stressful, but now it is so much LESS stressful. My mind is working so much quicker, even replying to emails was effortless. And things that otherwise would have made me anxious were now no big deal. I realise now that before it was like wading through mud, but now that has gone. And you said in my session to focus on the good memories, but the strange thing is that those good memories have just automatically come in, and the heavy and sad memories have just pretty much gone away. And I didn't do this myself... it just happened! It really is the oddest feeling...

10. Reading

Hi Jane, How are you? Hope you are healthy and happy. Just remembered I never got around to letting you know about the reading - it was amazing :) yes I do only have two sisters and I must say you explained each one exactly! I told them what was said and they were left speechless. It also gave them something to think about - in a positive way. Thank you again, I truly do love to hear from you.

11. Reading

Hi Jane! After your reading I went deep, deep into myself because once again your words, tone and the energy of the reading affected me vibrationally. Your reading confirmed all of the feelings I have had weighing me down. This has been for some time. In fact, I was just talking about it to a friend...honestly, almost word for word on some of what you brought forth. I know that you know me on a soul level and that actually is a good thing because I can feel your positive support. Thank you for that! It is so interesting to me how subtle but at the same time how powerful energy is. I did pray for assistance in clearing that night and could not believe how much "lighter" I felt the next day. Amazing. I threw myself into being productive, clearing things out. Oh and M was absolutely 'over the moon' last night from the reading you sent her. Much, much love,

12. Reading

Reading Hi Jane, Thanks for yet again a wonderful reading - it is helping me (i was going to say more than you know but you already do) to really make powerful steps forward on where i want to be professionally and personally and I am so excited.

13. Reading

Dear Jane, Thank you so much for the ever so helpful reading. I'll follow your advice immediately! All that you said resonated very strongly with my instincts at this time, and I had to grin a few times while listening because I had already tentatively started to take some of the steps you suggest on the recording. Thank you so very much for taking the time to help. The future looks very exciting to me now :-) God bless you for all that you do,

14. Angel Reading

Angel reading Hi Jane, What a lovely reading! Thank you so much, it has inspired me to push onward and try to be more creative as I once was. You were spot on with the birds, I love them, their sound reminds me of home and always brings me back, especially seagulls, I always open the balcony doors if I see them pass so I can hear them. When I do listen to them I feel at peace. I have taken the advice about the stones I collected from the seaside also. I look back on the last 3 years and realise the mistakes I've made. I have let the wrong people in and instead of closing myself off completely (which seemed like the easier option) I will instead be more careful of who I invite in. Thank you again so much. Lots of love xxx

15. Mini Follow-Up Reading

Good morning Jane! Thank you so so much for getting this reading to me. I just listened to it and it just fills me with such joy. Everything you said resonates with me. I understand that I need to finally be decisive and just get on with it! And I recognize and truly feel deep inside of me that I am ready for all of the joy and delight coming my way. I know that I thank you all of the time but I just can't express enough how grateful I am for you. Just know that I feel blessed to have you in my life. I treasure you! Love and joy and laughter to you Jane!

16. Angel Reading

Dear Jane, This was such an incredible reading. I'm pretty emotional but in a very good way. I will have some questions for you but am still processing everything. WOW! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :-) Much love to you,

17. Reading

Dearest Jane, Thank you so much for the Tarot reading it was the wake up call I needed. I have listened to it twice and really thought about the messages. Such a powerful truth, I want my life to change and yet I am not living life to become the person I want to be. Sending you all my love and light,

18. Reading

Thank you very much. The reading is great! I have listened to it once and I cried. I've been holding back too much and not saying the things I want to say. Mixed emotions of all the feelings I've suppressed are coming up so it all makes sense. Thank you again.

19. Soul Reading

Hi Jane, Thank you so much for the reading - it really has made a big difference and I'm so glad I asked for it! My outlook is much clearer - I can finish up the last remaining weeks in this job with some clarity, as when I emailed you Saturday morning I really couldn't see the wood for the trees and had got myself into a real mess decision wise. Knowing what I now know and in the meantime work on my inner strength has made me very positive. So thank you...you have this amazing way of getting to the core of the issue and I'll never know how you do it! SO talented.

20. Reading

Thank you Jane, I am convinced you heal through the sounds of your voice, as I feel so much calmer after I've listened to your reading!

21. Mini-Reading

Jane, thank you so very very much for your words. I appreciate this so much and will do the visualisation you've suggested, thank you. You are spot-on, I feel like my energy is slowly being drained, so the visualisation will make me feel protected. I'm going to do it now, and then twice a day morning and night until this anxiety in my stomach goes away. I can't thank you enough for my mini-reading! (would love to order a full one again soon as they are wonderful). I've said this before but you really are an angel, what a blessing to meet such a wonderful person; Love and much gratitude,

22. Reading

Thank you, Jane. As always to hear a reading from you is a powerful event and deeply healing. I have hesitated to ask for such specific help before because I know I'm responsible for the decisions I make, but this was very useful without taking away any of my responsibility - hope that comes across in the right way. Love and best wishes,

23. Mini Reading

Jane, I was just listening to the mini reading again (it's lunchtime) and you know what? I think you are one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Because that is how I see you...a true gift! I know part of it is the essence of the reading being given to me, but---oh my goodness, I listen to you and just soak it in. It's so wonderful and fills me with warmth. I appreciate and love all that you are more than you know....or, maybe you do know because you "know" so much! Keep smiling and remember how much you've brought to my life and many others, I'm sure. All my love and biggest hugs ever,

24. Reading

Hi Jane, your message was beautiful thankyou and really did, once again, confirm what I had been receiving, but your message explained it in another way that makes such sense. Maybe I just needed to hear it a different way. Its is beautiful connecting with you and I love how you see and are shown things a different way...always helps with clarity. Much love,

25. Mini Reading

Thank you so much for such a super speedy reply Jane, I was working on some research late last night and decided to check my email messages before switching my laptop off around midnight... and after reading your lovely reply I had the most restful night's sleep for ages and awoke feeling so refreshed this morning...it has been a long time since I slept thru the night so peacefully, so bring on today! I am so grateful to you for the amazingly fast response Jane, I was not expecting it with your heavy workload. I feel you are very special and this gift of yours heals and soothes and is like a balm restoring my wellbeing to a balanced 'calm'..... Thank you will never be enough but you have it in bucketloads. love and blessings.

26. Reading

Hi Jane, My mother had a reading done a few days ago. She received it yesterday, and it was so wonderful that I have decided to waste no time in getting mine done! It has changed her life forever, and I am so thankful to you for that. Thank you,

27. Entity Removal

Entity-Removal It is absolutely amazing that you are able to do entity removals as well! Honestly, just when I don't think I could be more amazed at what you can do, you surprise me yet again! It's just so wonderful, and such an incredible gift you bring to the world.

28. Past-Life

Dearest Jane, thank you sooo much for this past life reading. You could have almost been talking about this life! So much has been carried into it. I resonated with it all soo much. The fact I have such an aversion to boxing… my thirst for knowledge… I have often joked that I feel like an eternal student, I crave it… the betrayal of a family member… the pain in my right side, arm and head (no longer there since the session)... being stopped from going to the schools I wanted… and the labyrinth you talked about at the beginning - I dreamed of a labyrinth the night before I received your session. It is all so unbelievable. Hearing you say what you have in this reading, and reworking those roots is a great blessing and I am in deep gratitude to you, your guides, my angels and the light. And in reverence for this, I promise to listen to this regularly and harmonise with the frequencies of the reworked roots. Sending you all my love light and gratitude.

29. Reading

Jane, I wanted to thank you sooo very much as always for another delightful and different reading! I've been listening on and off all weekend and love that jade was mentioned. I had just bought jade crystals designed especially for face and body gua sha! I've gotten quite into this and body tapping over the last month! Also, I'm always delighted when AA Michael comes into my readings... so, thank you again.

30. Life-Coaching

Dear Jane, I am not even quite sure how to thank you for the time, effort, and love you have extended with all three sessions + questions. Very, very powerful. I am still a little stunned with all the spot-on information, so I will send off a proper message soon. But I b>C.wanted to let you know I listened to all three sessions and have taken the guidance deeply to heart. With tremendous gratitude and love,

31. Soul Reading

Hey Jane, thankyou very much for my reading, I am very pleased with it and it made a lot of sense to me :) Thankyou for answering my questions, I am going to enjoy myself more now as I will not stress about a career or deciding what to do afterwards, I will go with the flow. When I mentioned moving to a particular country, I was thinking of America as I feel like I belong there, so when you said America I was very excited! Thankyou again, my reading means a lot to me and I will listen to it over the coming years.

32. Reading

Hi Jane, Thank you once again for your wonderful reading. I feel so much calmer now about the future and am steadily putting the pieces into position, plus a bit of comforting synchronicity is beginning to show up which is lovely. I had to smile in the second reading where you were looking ahead for me and talking about what I might do when I come back - and, just as I was thinking - wait a minute, I don't really want to hear this because I haven't gone yet - you said, no - I'm not going to tell you that because I don't want to spoil it! Talk about perfection. Sending you much love, Jane. Best wishes.

33. Reading

Thank you so much for the reading. It really does make more sense than I could tell you right now, and one thing I promise you, this time round I will give myself time to stand back and observe what happens. I will focus on happy moments and the wonderful people around me over the next 6 weeks as you suggest and see what happens. I will write to you and let you know how it goes. I know and trust that whatever happens will be in everyone's best interest.

34. Reading

Hi Jane, thank you for my beautiful reading. I was ok until my mum was mentioned and that brought me to tears but not traumatically, and for some hours after I had finished listing I was very queasy and unsettled in my abdomen, but later that evening it had all settled down. I have been listening to my angels as I have been buying quite few clothes recently and last weekend I bought a pair of white shoes/sandals that had a flower shape in the toe area with white diamante stones on the edges of the petals. The centre ones were missing, but I knew I would find something, and I did a heart shape made from little stones that look like diamonds...so exactly what you saw in the reading! I have naturally given my guides lots of permission to bring about further change in fun stuff for me. Thank you.

35. Reading

Thank you so much! I feel so loved and supported. It is so awesome! I have a lot to not do to be still in my mind. I kind of knew that too - I'm moving fast and have many people over - maybe over committing myself for being newly on my own and still having to set myself up in my place I've been afraid & other emotions. So, I haven't really relaxed and stilled my mind - I'm not used to doing this. I'm ready to though. I need to be good to myself. There is so much information on this reading. I really, truly appreciate that you have done this one and all the other readings for me. I really need to trust God and my Angels and Guides to set up what I need. Life is really so beautiful & I'm so ready to live my life and enjoy all there is in this world. :) Thank you Jane and God Bless you!

36. Reading

Dear Jane, A big thank you for the reading! (And an extra big thank you to Pete, who is indeed a true friend). (n.b. Pete ordered the reading as a birthday gift for his friend). I have listened to it twice over the weekend and I'm still taking it in. It is uncanny, interesting, thought-provoking... I could go on. The main thing is that you have put into words how my true nature is not able to shine through because it is hidden and cocooned, and you have recognised my bewilderment as to why this is. It is something I have done a lot of work on through traditional therapies and never quite put my finger on. You are right, I am inquisitive and curious about others and I do try to help them with their answers. And you are even more right in the fact that this is proving utterly exhausting! It was a wonderful birthday present, hearing that my true nature is light and free - something I know to be true but find difficult to access. Thank you again. All the best,

37. Angel Reading

Darling Jane, I cannot thank you enough for making time for this precious reading in spite of your current hectic schedule. I have felt progressively better since the day I wrote to you about this :) May the angels carry my love and gratitude to you!!! The reading makes perfect sense and I am grateful for the guidance and reassurance! You will not be surprised to hear that the angels not only advised that I take some time to distance myself and clear my head, but they made sure of it too! As the healing process takes its effect and I am gradually regaining my view from a broader perspective, I can see that I haven't completely lost my faith. Love and more love

38. Past-Life

Hi Jane! I wanted to tell you how much I loved the past life reading. I can't believe how the time has slipped by since you sent it. Just like you, I'm way too busy! And, you are right....it's time for me to slow down. How wonderful to "feel" through you a life of real happiness and fulfilment. It sounded so joyous and fun and stimulating! And I mean it, that I can actually feel it while listening to your words. It truly uplifts me, and I have listened to it many times already. There is such a true resonance or vibration between us for sure. I find that as captivating as it is wondrously exciting....well, just so...I can't always find the words....it's like I feel so connected and filled with so much love and emotion when I listen to you. And I do feel as if it is a frequency running through me. It is amazing. You are amazing. I am so very grateful to have our connection. Be happy....and, once again, thank you so much! I loved the reading.

39. Reading

Hi Jane! I was able to access and download the file with no problems. I am quite impressed with your online system of online operation! You really seem to have things sorted. I KNEW that that Angel guide was on my right side!! I also know that he is a bit of a giant, size-wise. It was very touching and wonderful to hear you mention him in such detail. He is distinct from the other presences. The other presences seem to almost blend together, as a group. This one is distinct, however, and really seems to know me inside out -and love me in a personal way. I can see what you mean about the male-female energy. I am similar in this regard. My daughter is a pocket-rocket -you are right there! Your advice to me regarding being an example makes absolute sense and has given me a sense of permission to do what I feel is right, without second-guessing my intentions. Thank you for your insight into all the areas I asked you about. I am going to relax a bit now regarding career direction etc. I think you are right in that I must keep taking the steps and allow my intuition to be a barometer as opportunities pop up. I will have to listen to the reading again to make sure I got it all. I am conscious of not writing too much -since your time is valuable. But thank you once again for all your hard work and focus. You are offering a wonderful gift to the people who ask for your services. I am sure that when I have an unanswerable question I will be accessing your site and contacting you once again! Many thanks and love,

40. Reading

Thank you so much, Jane! For doing the reading so quickly and that you had the fight in you wanting to help me too. Wow - I'm sorry that you have to untangle so much in order to do my reading, but that is why I always feel so strong and get my thoughts clear - loud and clear after I listen to my readings from you. I so needed this reading. I really felt I was drowning again and didn't know how to do what I needed to do. I appreciate and love you so much! It was a huge wakeup call for me. I feel just awesome right now. And I will focus on me and being healthy, stable, and happy! I hope you know how much I appreciate what you have done for me. I am really excited about my future again. Thank God!! Thank you! Thank you, my Angels and Guides!! With my deepest love to my core, Thank you!!

41. Reading

Hi Jane, Thank you so much for the reading. You gave me the exact words that my heart needed to hear! Every word was precisely the right piece, to put back together the parts of my heart that have been utterly worn out. I can't thank you enough for your kindness, and for the effort (huge, I would say) that you have taken to help me! I will follow your advice to the last letter, I promise :-) From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and I celebrate the wonderful work you are doing to help fellow travelers in this world. You are truly God sent, and much needed. Perhaps your work is in a way choice-less, but never the less, you could have said no and elected not to use your gifts to help others. To say yes, and to undertake your work, would not have been easy, so I hope that at the end of the day, you yourself receive the joy and love that you enable others to receive. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love

42. Reading

Hi Jane, Thank you so much for your reading and letter. The both gave me a warm fuzzy feeling! Your reading hit the spot as regards our food/health issues. It gave me a perspective I never thought about. I really need to listen to it again as I know a couple of things are really important there. Take care Love,

43. Past-Life

THANKYOU Jane, for a very insightful reading, as you know past lives can affect future lives and so much of what you said resonated deeply, I even cried at the release of the emotions held over from my past life in Ireland. Wow what can I say? All in all I was very pleased with your reading, and agree that being intuitive and sensing in my heart and in my gut is something I can only learn to trust more in this lifetime. It is good to know that I won't be alone and that I can and will have the financial as well as emotional security I seek in my own right. Thankyou so much for your time in this, I will recommend you to everyone who might be interested in receiving a soul or past-life reading of their own. I have struggled with obstacles quite a bit in this lifetime and my path has been far from easy, hence why I am so glad of the strength and courage I would have gained in other lifetimes that keep me strong..... Its true I can come across masculine though it is in the feminine aspect that I am most at home. I look forward to listening to you recording again and really sitting with all you had to say, it is a gift to be able to share, thankyou thankyou and thankyou once again. in light.

44. Reading

Hi Jane, Many thanks for this. It was amazingly precise. Your advice was timely and I have listened to your reading several more times and I feel that I get something from it each time I listen to it. I feel tired but a nice tired, like I'm very relaxed. Lots of love and a big hug from me,

45. Past-Life

Jane, I must tell you, the past life you have mentioned has brought me so much clarity and highlighted to me my tendencies in this life to take over responsibility and not allow myself space to 'lighten up' or even breath...I don't often give myself permission to actually enjoy life for the beautiful miracle I know it to be. I am trying to drink more water now at this time as I feel my energies are still lowered at times or unstable. To follow what makes me happiest to make the choices whereby my heart sings is where I want to be. Its kinda odd and puzzling and you are the first person who has described to me exactly the soul rejoice and thank God feeling I get and I hold that knowledge very dear. So thank you Jane. I've settled with my reading now, feet touched the ground and feel steady in it. You seem a clear channel and have been spot on with everything, the whole dynamic thing, the intuitive healing ...well everything. It's time to change my life for the better now and to make some grown-up decisions about how I am going to achieve my goals my aims and how the universe will support me in not only finding my love but living it daily. Much love to you, in gratitude,

46. Reading

Hi Jane Thank you so much for the reading. I listened to it and then my wife and I both listened to it together. It was lovely to listen to - your voice is just so beautiful and gentle. I could listen to you recite the phone book! You really described our dynamics very well and kind of reinvigorated what we want to do with our lives - like a gentle reminder. I am a lot more excited about my life as I was in a bit of a lull. You really describe my relationship with God so well and my faith. It is such a big part of my life. You know, its odd, as I had requested an astrology reading from someone who was highly recommended by good friends and when my iPhone 'coincidentally' chose your previous reading at random (out of 1500 songs) on the day I sent that email to him, something just said "get Jane to do another reading as well - you'll need it. " So I listened to that little voice. I must thank you for spreading a bit of your love our way with your reading - it was truly helpful on so many levels, With love,

47. Reading

Hi Jane, Just loved the second reading. It made such sense as I had the time to listen to the first reading several times. And I intend to listen to the second reading several more times, as every time I listen to it, I get something new from it. I think it was magic that you picked my mum up as you know I have never really got over losing her. She was a big loss. And she was an absolutely beautiful woman and I was lucky to have her as my mum. I will see you again. Lots of Love.

48. Reading

Hi Jane, First of all, thank you for the reading you did for me a month ago. I'm always thankful for the messages you have for me. My health has improved considerably since that time (thank goodness!). Thanks again Jane for your help and your support! You are a remarkable woman and I appreciate what you've done for me and my mother. Take care,

49. Mini Reading

Hello Jane, I just wanted to let you know that the reading you did recently for my daughter gave her such inspiration and she sailed through her interview and got the dream job she was so hoping for. Thank you from me too, as I’ve not seen her this happy for so long but I know she will be just perfect in those surroundings. Phew, some good news bringing her new beginnings and much to look forward to in her future. Thank you Jane, so very much.

50. Mini Reading

Hi Jane, I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to write. I'm still on cloud nine after getting the job. I listened to the reading everyday before the interview and it gave me the calmness, clarity of thought and belief in myself that I have never had before and it obviously had the desired effect -- I claimed it and it is now mine! I really can't thank you enough, I feel as though my old life of disappointment and sadness really is the chess piece knocked off the board that you saw and a new, exciting and fulfilling life now lies ahead. Thank you for showing me my strength and self love that has been missing for so long. Much love and gratitude.

51. Entity-Removal

I've listened several times now and the depth of your session is outstanding. I am renewed.

52. Entity Removal

Hi Jane, I know that it must feel a little like I am stating the obvious and repeating myself... but please know that I cannot even start to describe how much of a major support you have been for me. Really, honestly, I do not think that anything would have gone so well without your wise guidance and all the insights that pinpoint exactly what I need to hear. This year has been a tremendously turbulent and difficult one and I have truly had moments where I wondered if I would spin out of control and lose my mind completely. I am not overstating this. I am sure you have some idea, but please know that your support is huge, and finding someone to love - in a proper way, well, I simply cannot tell you how much you have impacted my life. Anyway - thank you Jane. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

53. Entity-Removal

How can you be so gentle yet get straight to the heart of the issue, shift it, change it and leave me feeling like I have been spun by a tornado and rocked lovingly in the same instant? I don't know how you do it but I am grateful that you do. 20 years of therapists and one session with you finally hit the spot. I can breathe again. Thank you.

54. Past-Life

Thank you so much for this very powerful, insightful and transformative reading... I was blown away! You were spot on and everything you said and visualized resonated, completely. It all made sense... the pieces all fit together... how thankful I was... I've been trying to find the 'key' to unlock that heavy door for almost 35 years. It's thus no wonder I cried, not only from my eyes but from my entire body and soul... It was about time..

55. Reading

Once again, thank you so much! You’re right, I am a very different person now. … I got a promotion! And it is my dream job!!... I cannot believe how wonderfully my life is working out now. My head is kind of spinning it is all happening so quickly, but it is so wonderful and definitely exciting And I couldn’t have achieved any of it without your help. So thank you sooo much.

56. Reading

It is quite a spiritual milestone for me to have been gifted this insight from you. I never would have thought of it myself!! Thank you a billion times over for this! I will be in touch via your website in the not too distant future no doubt, to employ your help with the continuation of this journey. I see you almost as a type of soul doctor! Lol! When I am sick in the heart and mind.... you bring healing with just the right words. Your words and the energy that flows from your voice are truly spiritually medicinal. Thank you SO very much for gifting me with this profound 'missing piece' of insight, and for making me feel truly loved. I feel your hug and I feel that you are right there with me feeling my journey when you read. I don't know how you manage to do that for so many people. That truly is your gift.

57. Mini-Reading

Thank you for my wonderful reading! I am fighting off a mild cold in bed this early morning, and lying here listening to your beautiful voice and words was pure luxury!

58. Healing/Reading

Jane, Wow, thank you! So much. That was a very emotional experience listening to your reading! I was sobbing practically the whole way through which felt like a great release in itself! It resonated so deeply with me.


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a table, a lamp and crystals next to a pot of tea, an ipad and tarot cards used by Jane Longstaff, clairvoyant reader


Click for More/Less Information

Jane was born into a family where two, very different sets of intuitive skills, met. She has dedicated her life to furthering and learning ever more about these talents. Pure clairvoyance, light-work and crystal ball reading came from her Father's family whereas the psychic, nature-healing and fortune telling came from her Mother's family line. Balancing all this has not always been easy but it is a fascinating pathway and a purpose in which she finds constant delight and passion.

Connecting with Divine and Infinite Intelligence (and nothing less). The reason Jane's work is so rare and exceptional is because she always reaches to the spheres of the purest love and light and allows herself to be shown whatever a client needs. She sees and works with the soul, guides and angels belonging to each client, allowing herself to be clearly guided in every moment. Add to that, a lifetime of practice, you really get the best of what is available.

Tarot:This is a motivational, empowering session that helps you gain clarity and guidance in all life areas. You know what you want but not how to get it. You are blocked and frustrated. Light healing is included as is connection with your team of angels and lightworkers. Beautiful.

Combined Energy-Work:A session of allowing infinite intelligence and your angels to move in, heal you, shift your life and give you guidance. When you are struggling, holding trauma and repeating patterns and you have had enough. Your soul and your angels do the work and Jane facilitates the bridging of freedom and change.

Entity/entanglement Removal:This is for deeper more persistent trauma. You are merely existing, or are so exhausted you don't know who you are or how to function. You need help and total freedom from overwhelm and unfair, unmanageable struggles. Enough is enough. This is where infinite intelligence steps in, lifts you, brings you back to your core self and supports you all the way back to health and true thriving. It is specialist and beautiful work.

Aligning to the spheres of Love and Light brings a oneness of connection... Your soul is your unique inner divine light and it holds your divine personality, optimum health and the truth of your purpose in this lifetime. Your angels and guides know you. They know what you came into the world to achieve and they know your greatest potential, joy and most ideal life. Space is made to invite your soul, your angels, your life connection to guide every process in the most effective and lasting way possible. You will be seen, heard, respected, truly guided and healed.

Your life-path represents the ideal worldly experience that suits you to perfection. Your purpose is the energy and vibrant fascination that runs through your veins and lights up your mind. Your destiny is that which you came into this world to experience. Get all these circuits working in the way they were divinely intended, and wow, life gets good. It is my intention that every session offered helps you to get as close as you are ready and able to get, to your own heaven-on-earth experience. Often the most heavenly experiences turn out to be the most worldly, lived in simplicity and grace...

If I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to reach out. It will be a pleasure to meet you and to work with you.


Absent-recorded is where Jane simply tunes-in, records and sends your session (this is just as effective). Skype, Zoom or Messenger will be live 1:1 and, on ordering, you will be given access to Jane's international bookings calendar.

Jane will contact you with updates and to finalise appointments. On ordering, you have the option to ask any questions or to comment on issues you are going through. Whilst not essential, doing this does help to get straight to the heart of the matter; allowing more specific and detailed content.

The recording of your session is sent as a link within an email. You can listen immediately on any device, or download as an audio mp3 file (to a computer only). No-one else can access your session unless you decide to share your link. Jane endeavours to get your recording to you as soon as possible.

This is where Jane shares her fascination for simple living and everything 'otherworldly'. You will find articles, memories, client stories, everyday living, personal realisations, and so much more.

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