A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from the Angel of Posture

I wonder if you have ever thought just how important your posture is to so many things? To stand tall - upright, to hold your head high, to walk tall - even in thought and intent - lifts the spirit, inspires confidence, eases emotion and helps you to see life with greater perspective. On a simply physical level it improves your circulation and thereby your health.

When you think tall and stand tall you shine an energy of worth and confidence which will draw other confident people around you as well as better quality circumstances and opportunity. As you shine greater worth into life, it declares your willingness to receive greater things. Your breathing will flow easier and you will generally begin to feel great. The simple act of breathing more deeply will also heal, cleanse and uplift you.

Pray today for the help of Angels, to encourage you and teach you how to stand truly tall (in thought and in spirit if your physical body limits you from doing this in actuality). Ask that you may remember to keep your posture at every moment until it becomes a natural part of your life. Pray for the understanding and constancy not to slip back into old ways. Begin to feel your breathing deepen and your spirit soar and cherish all the new benefits that appear within and around you.

It is such a simple thing, yet so powerfully transformative. Posture.


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